Monday, August 31, 2009

NOTICE: To the Chatbox

Kindly remind: the individual using the name" Mantin=..."
Pls respect the others, dun offend others name since u r not representing that name. Thank you~

 Any misinformation and disrespect should be made by "mantin=..." DOES NOT represent the interest of this blog.

FROM: blog-admin

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Announcement: Dun Late! (Thursday 27th AUGUST)

For those who involved in Zodiac Holiday Operation:
Pls be noticed, meet u all 2mr sharp 7:30am at Kepong Sentral KTM. No wait for the lates!
Ice-skating, movie and of coz our favourite, shopping..

TRAINING: Friday 8:30am until 12:30pm (28th AUGUST)

As usual, we will train on motions, various of jumps! We need to buck up our strength! Stunts, we will do liberty and twist cradle. Flyer, ready to twist! XD
For tumblings, we will train on another new drills~~ Hope you all will enjoy! ^^ 
* all babes, pls dun late! show yourselves before 8:45am!*
* pls inform captains if u can't come 4 training. THX~~*

LOVE you... Have a nice day ^^